Show Your Dental Team That You Appreciate Them

“Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.”  H. Jackson Brown, Jr.  Dental teams have a great emotional need to feel appreciated.  When the team feels appreciated, they are… Continue On +

It’s Not Just a Cleaning

Many times when dental patients call to cancel a hygiene visit, they will say, “But it’s just a cleaning.”  While you may get frustrated at patients for devaluing important preventive care, keep… Continue On +

Effective Leadership Styles

Dentists who are effective leaders develop leadership styles that guide the team and practice to achieve desired goals.  Since there is not one leadership style that is perfect for all situations, strong… Continue On +

When Team Members Are Not Getting Along

What do you do when members of your dental team are not getting along?  Do you run the other direction in hopes that everything will work itself out?  Typically, conflict does not… Continue On +

End the Exam Tug-of-War

A dentist is typically pulled multiple directions during the day, and this is especially true when it is time to do exams.  Typically, the dentist is right in the middle of treatment… Continue On +

The Art of Dental Finance Podcast

One of the many benefits of belonging to the Academy of Dental CPAs (ADCPA) is that the Fluence team gains insights from dental CPA firms from across the country.  Just as dentists… Continue On +

New Year Plan of Action

The start of a New Year brings an opportunity to make your dental practice and team even stronger.  As you consider what you would like to accomplish this year, remember you need… Continue On +

Team Meetings Where You Make Ideas Happen

How effective are your team meetings? You may feel like Dave Barry who once said, “If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved,… Continue On +

Practice Action Plan

Just like you, we love it when a plan comes together, but not everyone knows how, or where to begin, when creating that plan.  Or perhaps a plan was created, but now… Continue On +

Assertive Leadership

What defines effective leadership? John Maxwell once said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” One important leadership trait that demonstrates the ability to… Continue On +

How to Frame Change

Rick Goodwin once said the following about change: “One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain.” How… Continue On +

Coaching is Like Preventive Dentistry

One of the most challenging situations for a dentist is how to respond when the team makes mistakes.  When the health history is not reviewed chair-side or charges for the day are… Continue On +