Ideas for Block Scheduling
Henry Kissinger once said, “There cannot be a crisis today; my schedule is already full.” How many times have dental practices felt the same way, and then the phone rings with a… Continue On +

You May Need to Stop Thinking Big
Why think big when so many breakthroughs are happening at the nano level? And what can you learn from nanotechnology to improve time management? Let’s start with computer memory. As you have… Continue On +
Simple Oversights Can Lead to Hot Water
What if your dental team comes to you with an idea for the summer: “Let’s shorten Thursday by one hour and then work straight through lunch.” Would you follow their suggestion if… Continue On +
Outsourcing Your Payroll: One of the Keys to Happiness
As a business owner, one of the keys to your happiness is to outsource whenever you can. Outsourcing your payroll will save you money, headaches and time. Payroll limits and rules are… Continue On +
Staying on Time
How often are you on-time with your dental patients? Whenever I ask this question to dentists and teams, I typically get three distinct answers. Dentists are usually consumed with the present moment… Continue On +
Team Approach to Scheduling
Who is responsible for filling openings in your schedule? Many dental teams respond by motioning toward a stressed-out member of the front office team who has regular nightmares about cancellations. But if… Continue On +
Relaxation Leads to Inspiration
Now you have the perfect excuse to take time off: relaxation leads to inspiration. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal by Barbara Haislip explores insights experienced by entrepreneurs while on… Continue On +
Guiding Dental Patients to Schedule at the “Right Time”
Ideal schedules and pre-blocks that optimize production look great on paper, but the inevitable question is how do you get dental patients to schedule at the “right time.” Consider your own experiences… Continue On +
Scheduling Your Ideal Day
Have you ever had one of those days where you sprint from operatory to operatory, barely having five minutes for lunch, running late the entire day, and when you finally finish you… Continue On +
Ellie Days
My five-year-old niece, Ellie, announced to her parents one Sunday morning that this was Ellie Day and she asked for extra attention and toys. My sister and brother-in-law, who both have a… Continue On +
Fresh Out of Wasted Time
Daylight Savings Time and the start of spring are reminders that we are almost a quarter of the way through the New Year. Precious time keeps ticking, and I guess if we… Continue On +
Time: The Extinct Species
I read a recent thought of the day from Franklin Covey that suggested we take a day and see how much time we spend engaged in activities we can label “unimportant.” One… Continue On +