Sharing Performance Information with Your Dental Team
Do you consistently share practice performance statistics and goals with your dental team? If the practice is doing poorly, you may hesitate to share numbers for fear the team will abandon ship;… Continue On +

Your Dental Team’s Attitude for Growth
How do you foster growth within a dental practice when we have a less-than-ideal economy? The catalyst is effective leadership. But what makes a leader effective? Someone once said, “A good leader… Continue On +

Adding Extra Hygiene Days
It’s hard to grow your dental practice without adding hygiene days. The more patients you see regularly, the more treatment you will diagnose and the more new patient referrals you will receive.… Continue On +

Choice of Entity – Costs and Final Thoughts (Part III of III)
We have discussed the basics of entities, some pros and cons and now we will wrap it up with some estimated costs and final thoughts. The cost of establishing an entity focuses… Continue On +

Top Reasons You Need a Dental CPA
Have you ever wondered if it is necessary to use a CPA who works specifically with dentists? I think it is a good question to ask and today we will review some… Continue On +

Top Mistakes Dentists Make on Their Taxes
I was asked recently about the top mistakes dentists make on their taxes. This is a great question and there are a few tips that can help one avoid making common mistakes.… Continue On +

Identity Theft, Fraud and Taxes
One of the ways we find out someone is a victim of ID theft is when we e-file their return. The electronic submission is rejected by the IRS because one of the… Continue On +

Congress Puts Lid On Health Flexible Spending Arrangements
As part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (new health care law), employee contributions to health flexible spending arrangements (health FSA) are now being limited to a maximum pre-tax contribution… Continue On +

Top Ten Myths About Introverts – Part II
The widely anticipated release of part II of the myths about introverts has finally arrived. If you missed part I, check it out in our blog library. This information came from a… Continue On +

The Value of Appreciation
If you want to get more from your dental team, consider giving something in return that goes beyond pay and benefits. Consider how you can do a better job of expressing your… Continue On +

Ellie Days
My young niece, Ellie, announced to her parents one Sunday morning that this was Ellie Day and she asked for extra attention and toys. My sister and brother-in-law, who both have a… Continue On +

Where Do We Find Insights
We have all had “ah-ha” moments when we finally figure out how to solve a challenge. But where do the insights come from? Researcher Mark Beeman wondered the same thing. As discussed… Continue On +