Know Yourself and Others to Make Better Decisions

Our decision making ability is greatly enhanced when we can discern what is happening around us as well as how we feel about the situation. In practice, this is often more difficult than it sounds.

For example, when we encounter a stressful situation, we may act too hastily to solve conflict before we understand what is really behind the problem. We may walk away feeling like the problem is solved while the other people involved believe their opinions were ignored and the proposed solution is ineffective.

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Or, we may base our proposed solutions on what we think is best for others without considering what our experience or gut instinct is telling us.

How then can you know more about yourself and others to make better decisions? The next time you encounter a challenging patient or difficult staff issue, ask yourself some questions. First, look inside and consider how you feel about the situation and why you feel that way. Consider your past experiences and what that body of knowledge is telling you about how to handle the current issues.

Next, consider the other people involved by trying to articulate how they feel about the situation. What is motivating their behavior? What do they want most from an outcome? This usually involves asking questions to clear up misunderstandings.

Then you are in a better position to create a workable solution. Even if you have to make a tough decision that others will not like to hear, your message is better received when people know you understand their perspective. In addition, when you listen to yourself, you will feel more aligned with your decisions.

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Tough decisions are challenging. That’s why it’s important to understand everyone’s perspective, including your own, to create implementable solutions.

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