Know What You’re Getting Into Before You Hire Someone

Whenever we discuss embezzlement prevention, we always include the following in our discussion: protect your practice by not hiring embezzlers.  Whenever I communicate this to a group of dentists, I always see a bunch of smiles.  If only it was that easy, right.

Certainly if embezzlers wore black hats like the bandits in an old western you could tell the thieves from the good employees.  Unfortunately, embezzlers are usually charming and intelligent, and they appear highly skilled.  So how do you protect yourself in the hiring process?

First, check references.  This is an important practice management tool that goes beyond embezzlement prevention.  Even though you may be in a hurry to fill the position, and even though you may grow tired of the hiring process, please do not let that persuade you to move too quickly.  Always talk to the previous employers, doctor to doctor.  And listen as closely to what is said as you do to what is not said.

Keep in mind that if you had a star employee who left your practice, you would no doubt give a glowing reference in the future.  It is easy to brag about good people.  However, you will say very little if the employee was a poor performer.

And secondly, before you hire someone perform a thorough background check.  If the employee has a prior conviction for embezzlement or another crime, it will show up.  As you might imagine, background checks can be eye-opening.

Before you can build a stronger team or protect yourself from embezzlement, you need to hire the right people.  I encourage you to always do your homework before your hiring decision is final.  That extra due diligence may save you a mountain of headaches in the future.

Learn about how our staff management consulting can help you make the right hiring decision.

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