Teaching Us about More Than Just Planets

Imagine you had worked years on a discovery, putting in countless hours, and then just before you were going to make your announcement to the world somebody beat you to it.  How… Continue On +

Code Confusion

What often stands in the way of getting paid promptly for the work you do is the correct four-digit CDT code.  Many practices struggle with finding the right codes, and sometimes practices… Continue On +

Comparison Shopping

Treatment coordinators know all too well that more patients are comparison shopping when it comes to orthodontic treatment.  The challenge is how to address the concerns of a comparison shopper during the… Continue On +


We are just a few days from the start of spring, a season that transforms the landscape with fragrant enticements, interrupting our busy minds until we take stock in the bigger world. … Continue On +

Fresh Out of Wasted Time

Daylight Savings Time and the start of spring are reminders that we are almost a quarter of the way through the New Year.  Precious time keeps ticking, and I guess if we… Continue On +

Eureka Moments

Richard James had a life changing moment in 1943.  He worked as a naval engineer, stabilizing the instruments on ships, and one day while making adjustments to some springs he watched one… Continue On +

Sometimes You Need to Be the “Heavy”

Most doctors and teams can easily name the patients who frequently cancel.  When you see those names on the schedule you are tempted to call Las Vegas to get the over-under on… Continue On +

The Standard is the Standard

You can learn a lot about a coach when he / she walks off the field after a heartbreaking loss.  I have great admiration for Mike Tomlin, head coach of the Pittsburgh… Continue On +

It Takes The Right Attitude

Which would you rather have, a skilled employee or an employee with a great attitude?  Based on all of my years working with dental practice teams, I give the nod to a… Continue On +

New Roth IRA Conversion Rules

Should you take advantage of the new opportunity to convert your traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs? We have been asked this question daily since the guidelines for converting traditional IRAs to Roth… Continue On +

How to Increase Your Practice Fees

I have had a number of “secret” meetings with doctors over the last year where we wait for the practice to clear out, we go behind closed doors, and the doctor leans… Continue On +

Tough Conversations Under the Right Terms

Voltaire was a prolific French writer in the 1700’s who was also quite outspoken in the area of social reform, despite stiff penalties for being such an advocate.  His writings and his… Continue On +