
What is forgiveness?  Look no further than a bumper sticker to find a fitting definition.  “Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past.” Imagine how much time we would save… Continue On +

Whithout Trust You Do Not Have Teamwork

One of the main reasons for team conflict is the lack of trust.  If you ask your team members if they trust each other, many will initially say “yes.”  But when you… Continue On +

You Speak English and Body Language

When people work on improving communication skills, they naturally focus on what they are trying to say.  What’s even more important, thought, is how you say it.  The entertainer Mae West once… Continue On +

How Open Are You to New Ideas?

How open-minded are you to new ideas?  Charles Kettering, the American engineer who invented the electric starter, once said, “People are very open-minded about new things—as long as they are exactly like… Continue On +

Are Cancellation Fees Effective?

Many dental practices attempt to curb cancellations by charging a fee.  But is this effective? Cancellation fees, coupled with appropriate phraseology, work well as a deterrent against patients who call to cancel… Continue On +

The Sweet Sound of Our Own Name

Dale Carnegie once said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” As you consider how to make stronger connections with those creatures… Continue On +

Inspiration from Inside of a Garage

How determined are you in the face of setbacks?  Microbiologist Eri Gentry grew weary of the red tape surrounding cancer research and treatments, and in 2009 she created a lab in her… Continue On +

Show and Tell

Since we were kids, we have learned through show and tell, which engages our senses and motivates us to listen to what comes next.  Unfortunately, the power of show and tell is… Continue On +

What Matters Most to Your Dental Patients

One of the most important aspects of increasing treatment acceptance is to give your dental patients what they want.  When I work with dentists and teams on fine-tuning their overall patient experience,… Continue On +

Motivation is Contagious

Since you are a leader, you often faced with how to motivate your team.  But how do you motivate yourself? The philosopher William James once said, “Act as if what you do… Continue On +

Building Consensus with Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was not only a great civil rights leader; he also knew a thing or two about leadership.  He once said, “A genuine leader is not a searcher for… Continue On +

Placing Value on Pain Relief

Do you think a dental patient is happy when you relieve that person’s pain or alleviate some type of discomfort?  Of course your patient is happy.  Why then do so many dentists… Continue On +