An Effective Recall Program for Dental Practices
Too many times in dental practices, working the recall system is done as a reaction to a slow schedule. When the practice is reasonable busy, recall is forgotten. Obviously this is not… Continue On +

Method of Payment for Dental Accounts Receivable
One of the best ways to manage accounts receivable is to make sure you collect as much as possible at the time of dental service. This sounds like common sense advice. What… Continue On +

When to Send Billing Statements
When is the appropriate time to send billing statements to your dental patients? Sending billing statements too soon may cause confusion—when dental claims are still outstanding—while while taking too long to send… Continue On +

Increase Collections at the Time of Service
The most effective way to keep your outstanding accounts receivables under control is to get your dental patients to pay at the time of service. Seems simply enough. Yet if you want… Continue On +
Waiving Dental Deductibles and Co-payments
It is common for dentists, who want to help certain patients, to provide dental treatment for just what the insurance pays. No co-payment or deductible is collected. It is also common for… Continue On +