Is Your Practice Utilizing Social Media To Its Fullest Extent?

Millions of people log into a variety of social media sites on a daily basis, and they are using these sites to connect with and share brands more and more.  Utilizing social media may be a way to increase your practice growth without breaking the bank.


Facebook is easily the largest social media platform available with over 1.2 billion users. But Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest also have the potential to reach the type of users that are desirable future patients for any practice.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when establishing your online social presence.

Consistency is key!  It’s important to make sure that your branding is the same across all social platforms.  Having the same logo, color scheme, contact information, doctor profiles and links will ensure brand identity throughout your profiles.


With more users accessing social media on mobile devices it is necessary to make sure that as you build your online presence it is user friendly for those using smartphones and tablets as well.

Post engaging content and interact with your social community to keep it fresh.  Simply posting updates such as “make sure to schedule your next appointment” or “regular cleanings are essential to top notch oral health” will not be enough to pique the interest of your followers.  Instead consider open ended items that will encourage interaction and responses such as “what is your favorite toothpaste” or “share the best experience you’ve had at the dentist.”  Using questions that start an online conversation will be more effective in growing your social media presence.

Regularly posting is important, so let the personality of the doctor and the practice shine.  Whether the doctor or someone else in the office manages updates, people like to know what is happening outside of the practice too.  Posting photos is a simple way to keep people intrigued, and is easily done.  Simply using your smartphone to take and post pictures of the staff’s Halloween costumes,   the annual holiday party or a satisfied patient with a giant smile are quick, inexpensive and very delightful.

Remember, social media is growing rapidly with more and more people accessing it every day.  If your practice is not already utilizing it to reach out to new and existing patients, then the time to hesitate is through.

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