Author Archives: fluence

TAX ALERT- Are your new 2018 withholdings sufficient to cover your tax liability?

In March of 2018 the IRS adopted new withholding tables for wages and retirement distributions. These tables were designed to adjust the withholdings for the new tax laws that will be effective… Continue On +

Big Changes to the Kiddie Tax

Years ago, to prevent parents from transferring their investment accounts into their children’s name to avoid taxes, Congress created what is referred to as the kiddie tax. This counteracted the strategy of… Continue On +

Build Trust with Effective Hand-Offs

One of the most frustrating experiences for patients is repeating key points about health history and treatment needs to multiple members of the clinical team. Patients may wonder if the team is… Continue On +

So Long To The Tax Deduction For Investment Expenses

Under the new tax reform law, investment expenses are no longer deductible as a miscellaneous itemized deduction. This means, for example, that if you have an investment account and are paying fees… Continue On +

Solar Tax Credit: The Dark Side

There are TV ads, telemarketing phone calls and sales people at your front door all promoting the benefits of solar power, and one of the key considerations and a frequently mentioned benefit… Continue On +

Taxes and Divorce

If you are recently divorced or are contemplating divorce you will have to deal with or plan for significant tax issues such as asset division, alimony, and tax-return filing status. If you… Continue On +

Can You Endorse Your Associate?

Assuming you are busy enough and have appropriate cash flow to add an associate dentist, how do you know if you are hiring the right associate? The right associate is not just… Continue On +

Tax Reform Changes How Alimony Is Treated

Alimony is the term used for payments to a separated spouse or ex-spouse as part of a divorce or separation agreement. Since 1985, to be alimony for tax purposes, the payments: Must… Continue On +

Not-Being-Insured Penalty Eliminated

Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, imposed what a “share-responsibility payment” on taxpayers who did not sign up for minimum essential health coverage. This payment is essentially… Continue On +

Tax Reform Adds Education Benefit

Tax law provides two tax-advantaged savings plans for the Qualified State Tuition Plan (commonly referred to as a 529 Plan). They are similar in that contributions to the plans are not tax… Continue On +

Openings in the Schedule Can Create Opportunities

How do you and your team utilize time when there are openings in the schedule? While openings throw off the rhythm of a team used to seeing patients, if you plan appropriately,… Continue On +

Tax Reform Limits Exchanges to Defer Taxes

Article Highlights: Deferring Tax with Like-Kind Exchanges Changes Made by Tax Reform Impact on Trade-ins Whenever you sell business or investment property and have a gain, you generally have to pay tax… Continue On +